Whoever Heard...of a situation where the board of directors of our company (BOD) can't fire the CEO (Brad)? That's what board members frequently do when CEO's perform as badly and unethically as Brad has.. Instead, our situation is completely a*s backwards from this normalcy and logic.
Because Brad has apparently setup our BOD as non-independent employees loyal to him (and not us - the investors), we have a situation whereby Brad can fire any BOD employee, but the BOD is powerless to fire Brad. Completely F'd up.I can't understand how this corrupt situation can be legal. Have you ever heard of a situation in any company or school board where the CEO or school supintendent can't be fired by the BOD or school board? In schools, the superintendents are frequently fired by the school board (BOD). In our situation Brad has had to answer to nobody, while he continues to hold our money (what little is left) hostage.
If Brad refuses to step down, then I have a possible solution. Let our Plan B attorney file criminal charges against Brad. Although I money has been unethically taken by this crook, at least this solution will give us the satisfaction of sedeing Brad's a*S in jail. Apparently, it wouldn't be the first time this crook (Brad) has been sited for security violation(s).
Any wonder why Brad is so arrogant, and why this sh*t show of a company is heading for real financial trouble?