RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Last post 2030 lollovingstocks23 wrote: I understand and appreciate your insight on the drinks and cigs. But at the end of the day as a shareholder the most important thing is the return on my investment.
With that in mind, have you asked how John feels about his company's value consindering hes the majority shareholder ? How does he feel that his company has a market value of 15M$ compared to 300M$ two years ago ? Why doesn't he do anything to bring interest in the company ? I'm not just asking for my own selfish reason to make money, but if he's not interested in making this a high value company (as determined by it's share price or dividends) then what is doing there in the first place ? Ask him about that.
The big companies are worth more and they're not making any kiss or cigs, and their returns are coming back slowly while us we just do nothing but dissappear into oblivion thanks to his lack of care for shareholders. I got my entire downpayment into this company, what does John have invested into this ? All we know is he owns a Ferrari and put in 200,000$ of his own pocket at some point. He just kept giving himself shares non-stop because he's the board.
exactly what everyone here wants to know, what's his plan?