AGM proxy vote formWell a timely coincidence, the stock getting punished today and receiving my proxy vote form, leaves one in a less than generous mood. This is not to blame management for all the ills that have befallen the share price of late,there are many reasons beyond their control,..however you will also be asked to vote on a once every 3 year Share Compensation Plan,that sets out some guidelines on Restricted Share Units, and Options granted to management, nothing new here,..but as a simple investor when I am not making any head way on a stock held for many years, it kind of pisses me off that management are looking after their benefit package, thankyou very much, to see a plain and simple performance plan that when the stock does well, does well, in these times of a negative growth to shareholders, just put the entitlement on hold until we are at least a couple of bucks a share....I know it's more complicated than that,..but I think you get my drift,..if I received my proxy vote and we were at $4.00 a share I'd say give them a raise,......make your vote known to management,it's all we have,,.....rant over,...Island