CANOPY GROWTH AND SHOPIFY was the 2 hottest stocks in CanadaIn 2018, Canopy and Shopify have the same market cap size
Today... Shopify is now the biggest company in Canada ... bigger than Royal Bank
Bruce Linton mismanagement and bad judgement totally destroyed Canopy Growth... instead of pushing for profits like Shopify, Bruce Linton chose expansion. His Overspending, enriching the executives with ridiculous stock options ............ totally destroyed earnings, causing huge losses qtr after qtr for yrs. Bruce Linton also mentioned he doesn't see profits until another 2 and a half yr... that's when Constellation Brands fired him afterward.
Bruce Linton is a total disaster just like Aurora's previous management run by Terry and CAM.
Those days are over ... Canopy Growth NEW CEO David Klein working hard cleaning out the mess Bruce Linton left behind. Canopy Growth is close to coming out with PROFITS in the 2nd half of 2020.