Jonnyboy85 wrote: ..Like the bashing shorts/daytraders would like, let's focus on the present and whats coming.
Q1 reporting is confirmed to be in june by Rebecca. Tripp has confirmed multiple times they ARE already testing for covid. FDA approval and new covid testing partnerships could be announced literally any minute of any day. LIND financing is done though it looks like they might be dumping the last of their shares atm with an iceberg order, but I could be wrong and I doubt they have enough shares to cause a problem anymore anyway. Telehealth is now the new norm and COVID has given us more international marketing for Aristotle and our current cancer screening platforms than money could have ever bought us.
Remember our 60 million contract? Our marketing period with oncore ended in April which should mean Q2 revenue should start to trickle in,
Covid testing is ramping up and building out with first responders in Atlanta and enhanced relationships to include covid testing with existing partners Aristotle abstract has been submitted to ASCO which runs from May 31st - June 2nd and is a huge step towards commercialization (which Tripp stepped up from 2021 to 2020) and peer validation from the scientific community not to mention the further exposure for marketing and new partnerships, The whole world is screaming for telehealth, covid screening/tracking, high accuracy and we have been perfectly positioned and prepared for these days. If you ask me Tripp is very forward thinking and he saw this long before the rest. Lucky for us we now have the best seat in the house during a recession/depression caused by a virus, while everyone else is closing doors and laying off we are hiring and building out our company to help save lives. I have never felt safer to have my money right here right now, we will watch the whole rest of the market go down while we keep inching up by leaps and bounds like we've seen over the last few months.
This is it, it's what we've been waiting for, the bashers know this and they are playing the manipulative accumulation game here so they can steal as many of your shares as possible at these prices before the rest of the market catches on in Q1/Q2/Q3. If you want to be smart and see the 300%+ increase the rest of us had just over the last few months you should do your own dd and leave this board alone, it doesn't give anything back, just a place of poor intentioned people to have a soap box and the rest just get drowned out.
Again I want to apologize to everyone on this board who is actually here with good intentions and really does believe in the future of this company. I've just been watching these bashers ganging up on us for years and i've just had enough like i'm sure most of us have.