1. Review Sedar and see the amount of shares sold a year ago by senior manageywhen the share price was above $2
2. Review the past 6 quarter reports and see the salaries they've allotted to themselves while the company was struggling. They adjusted the recent option prices to reflect the low price, who does that? Also, watch the next quarter and see the crazy amount of options they allotted themselves at .05 cents
3. The .15 cents rights was orchestrated so management can repurchase shares they sold at a higher price so they can once again become majority owners thus avoiding any takeovers.
4. While the shares were trading on the TSX, majority of the shares were trading on the ATS with major price manipulation.
5. Financing was provided by company in which majority shareholder was Andrew Grieve and another original partner of Zenabis.
6. I wouldn't be surprised if the issuance of the 70 millions warrants at .07 was from a company in which the founders have a stake. More research is required here.
7. This company will flourish but it will take time. It will be pumped to the high 2-3 dollar range. Then the management will sell there shares. Enjoy the ride, sell and make money and don't look back. That's how I'm playing this.
fyi, I'm a bag holder with 200K shares at a price of .19 cents.