PORTOFINO'S OTTER CLAIMS LOCATION - HOST ROCKHere's a great map from ( pistolbay ) depictimg the host rocks and, what pistolbay discovered just to the east of, portofino's claims... TAKE AWAY - Portofino has 3 distinct host rocks formations - pink + yellow + blue...if you confer with the second map the blue mafic zone lines up woth the green zone ( 2nd map ) i like this two part reference - portofinos claims are in between dixie 17, 19 and dixie 3 ' which clearly shows 3 - kinds of rocks...in addition, if one confers with other pistol maps, one can easily see how the yellow + pink zones are associated to - zincs, silver, coppers...while the deep red zones are strong magnetic zones...( irom associated + sometimes gold ) do focus on the blue green zones...these are mafic/ultramafic and prone to hostimg gold, in redlake...evenstil...the contact zones or aside of folds ( besdie the deep red - zones can also be great areas for gold )
As mentioned...the blue zone ( first map - ultramafic ) is also green colored on the second map - notice how just to the left is a faint pink zone - carbonates - which can be considered as a transition zone - contact zone between two different formations - which just so happems to have a north to south KEELSON FAULT line - again, another really good area due to - ultramafic + transition + fault line - three important features that aid in - finding - gold. Question becomes - which area did portofino ( place focus on ) was it the blue ulrramafic zone - was it along strike of the keelson fault - will it be all zones, including zinc and copper zones, to increase, odds, of better intercepts ?
Did another drill this Keelson Fault zone prior ?
Seen on portofinos map - end of post...
PORTOFINOS OTTER CLAIMS MAP - reference sandwiched between - dixie 17,19, 3....