RE:Gotta be worth reading!!sounds like the bullion bank are laying some cover fire as they exit a significant part of their business from the comex huh? I suspect the big run on gold demand not only created a bar shortage at the comex but forced HSBC to move allocated gold from the bank of england into the GLD etf vault.... That gold will have to be replaced by bars allocated to the gld etf shareholders....So any excess gold in NY if there is any at all willbe shipped back to to england and the ETF gol vaults. Meanwhile the gol bullion banks are in the process of reducing their commitments in the paper gold market so that they don't get totally wiped out if the deteriorating economy creates another rush to take possession of gold.... The gold bullion banks ar in the business of making money. Their short positions are deep in the hole and they will take massive hits to their bottom line if they don't tighten their trading commitments...