RE:Study the second listA trick question on Sunday morn jf, let me take a wild one and say that FIRE is not on the list because it had gross revenue of ~$11,022mil for the period ending Mar31/20...and that is relevant why?
Plenty of info on your sheet though, look at the mess the rest are in...the two big fish, WEED ~$400mil and ACB ~$300mil in yearly revenue and no where near cash flow positive while struggling daily to, right size...meaning trying to get more like FIRE.
Looking forward to next list for current quarter, with Beena first days and maybe a quarter of full prodution for the period and the first to cash flow positive and no restructuring to do, shelving a top quality menu from top to grass.
Today is about where we are going, not where we have been and we hope the same for the rest of the sector, need solid competition to get the best for the industry and ultimately for the consumer and investor. FIRE is the cokkof the walk and it is looking like we are going to finally see as they are open for business, JMHO....Opt