RE:RE:Clipper Hi Clipper
Great to hear from you!
Glad all is well
Hopefully they will say something good at the annual meeting
Its really a time of quiet as they are shipping their product to the warehouses to the different sales areas in asia and EU and The us
So taking two months of production and shipping it out for storage
, But they are still selling some :)
The Price of Vanadium is hurting us again
did you read what i had posted when i talked to Alex last?
Glencore check is sent out and they are all paid off :)
Its Over
minus the payment and youll come up with the cash on hand
Hoping nothing comes up, should remain the same
if Vanadium goes up should improve
First Shipment of Hi Puruty has been shipped in may
TI Pigment Plant is running and doing test with Customers
Drilling Rigs to return at the end of June
Covid is not a problem , still watching and taking all precautions
Everone wearing masks and taking all precautions and shippping to the port also secure
Largo is far away from any population areas
Annual vertual meeting will be short with Paulo talking a bit
More information to follow in the monthly production update :)