RE:RE:Q1 You are asking solid questions! I would like answers from management, substancial answers! Sadly very unlikely to happen, because we are in the public domain, not the hallowed halls of wealthy brokerages. Most readers here can guess one of the answers, to one of the questions. Well let me just state what might be being thought today, as a result of your so good questions. To prevent too many poor guesses. :-) This company appears, perhaps to a few or maybe even many, to be being used a personal piggy bank. Well that might be harsh, however where are the instituional buyers, company has good margins. Does it have over powering debts and no ability to pay them? OK, the ROE sucks, why does it suck? What changes are needed to improve ROE. I'm not an accountant. I'm certain the company has assess to them FWIW.
For now I'll leave this for your consideration. P.S. 2cents may or may not be too late to complain or sell. Still at any price there is opportunity, any price except zero.