RE:Mr. Market an investor Benjamin Graham --- ZENAWhat are you talking about? If you read that book start to finish you'd have found out that Mr.Market is frantic and bipolar and manic depressed. Mr. Market will try and sell or buy anything at anytime. What you're supposed to do is not fall into his trap and buy and sell like a crazy person. If you bought a stock. Made the right decision and have proof, stick to it for 10 years, no matter how volatile the share price is. Like Warren Buffett says if you bought a farm and a pig got sick you dont get rid of the farm. Same thing here. If you bought shares and a hickup happened and the price dropped to 11.5 cents from 16, don't sell it just because of the daily decline. Fix the pig and move on. It's a business. Yes Zenabis has debt. Has warrants and they did things in order to gain capital. It is what it is. Fix the pig and move on.