You Surprised and Disappointed Me CDNHUSTLERHi CDNHUSTLER,
I'm going outside my comfort zone tonight for this one time, because my usual M.O. is such.......
"Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him"
But with your incessant spewing of vitriol, I just couldn't help myself [and you win, because you elicited an action from me, even though it's clear that you aren't worth it].
Plus, as a good friend of mine once said 'these boards are supposed to be fun".
Where are your manners?
Were you raised by wolves?
Where’s your sense of decorum?
Do you usually walk into a strangers house, sh1t on the carpet, then grab a soda out of the fridge and leave, not closing the front door?
You need to dust off your copy of Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people”
You sir are no Canadian or at least unlike any I’ve ever met before.
Your vulgarity and insolence will certainly overshadow anything of worth that you may have to say.
You blew it, as you only get one chance to make a first impression.
It makes me wonder why a person like you would campaign to others to get rid of their shares and why you would try to disparage the company.
You sir have never met, nor do you know Mr. Levy. Your two worlds would never intersect.
Your hubris in claiming to be able to time the market is unparalleled.
You’re a legend in your own mind.
You’re just a sad old man fingering his perishing flesh.
Sayonara Champ!