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EastWest Bioscience Inc V.EAST.H

EastWest Bioscience Inc. is a Canada-based vertically integrated wellness company with a multitude of business units and assets that allow for seed-to-sale supply chain management. The Company sources its raw materials, processes, manufactures, tests, brands, markets, and distributes its products to its customers in Canada, the United States and others. It owns and operates retail and manufacturing subsidiaries. Its retail subsidiary (natural health retail franchise - the Sangster's health centers) is engaged in the health and wellness industry. Its stores provide natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of disease and ailments. It has over 202 exclusively labeled products, including vitamins, mineral, herbs, proteins, natural body care and organic foods. The Company, through its subsidiary, Orchard Vale Naturals Inc., is a Health Canada licensed manufacturing facility with capabilities to encapsulate, package and label. It manufactures health supplements for B2B clients.

TSXV:EAST.H - Post by User

Comment by lotsofcash8on Jun 08, 2020 6:23pm
Post# 31126438

RE:RE:HC recalls sanitizers.....Great news for EAST

RE:RE:HC recalls sanitizers.....Great news for EASTYour totally wrong on hand sanitizer.  There is a big demand.  I work for a chemical company and we sell sanitizer world wide. We have a big backlog of orders and it's growing. You can buy non Health Canada certified sanitizer anywhere. But companies want sanitizer that is approved by Health Canada.  The demand is there and will continue to grow. 
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