RE:RE:RE:Coin flipSteve
They write off IVIG and Inter Alpha. They stoped all reasearch on these protein and also on Rytpazim. They sold the companyt that produce the liguant witch are the key to the technology(PPPS) that makes these protein obtainable and valuable.
These guys are just trying to sell old stuf developed by Prometic without any knowledge of what they are trying to sell. Do you realy thing the market is so stupid to beleive in in these guys ?
They lost $240 M in 2019 with no research% developement. They lost $30 M in 2020 without any news any discovry.
This afternoon they voted for Simon Best as indepndant member of the board. He is gona be sued in remedy prosecution. He gave Prometic to SALP without remorse just to insure a pay. He's a weak and coruptible man. The market knows that. Galbraith is not better and his close friend Bridgert nbot more.
Come on guy. It's a frame up. What do you imagine ?
Money doesn't buy everything. GLTA