Is it the play of the century in mining? Potential earnings growth for Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. (TRQ)
In order to determine the future investment potential for this stock, we will have to analyze key trends that affect it. During the third quarter of the year, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. recorded a total of 130.66 million in revenue. This figure implies that they witnessed a quarterly year/year change in their earnings with -169.92% coming in sequential stages and their sales for the third quarter reducing by -69.45%.
What matters though is how it ends. When the core data for the company is broken down, then the stock sounds interesting. The company spent 145.92 million trying to sell their products during the last quarter, with the result yielding a gross income of -15.27 million. This allows shareholders to hold on to 2.01B with the revenue now reading 0.03 cents per share. This is a figure that is close to analyst’s prediction for their fourth quarter.
Having a look at the company’s valuation, the company is expected to record 0.17 total earnings per share during the next fiscal year. It is very important though to remember that the importance of trend far outweighs that of outlook. This analysis has been great and getting further updates on TRQ sounds very interesting.
Is the stock of TRQ attractive?