RE:90guppy, given you like science you mean Agn’s Ifenprodil, the old drug that agn is trying to repurpose against covid. You see ifendprodil is NMDA inhibitor. That alone is bonkers because NMDA is found in nerve cells. Ifenprodil will be irrelevant because covid-19 causes vascular infection, simply put it attacks your blood vessels. Why do you think a drug specifically design for nerves will work for blood vessels, they are completely different. Ifenprodil will not prevent the call up of monocytes by the e-selectin as expressed by the infected epithelial cells to the inflamed blood vessels because of covid-19 infection. E- selectin will still send signal to the immune system to send its white blood cells and high probability of cytokine storm remains. Sorry guys if you have agn, but not me, it was a good trade though. What this cytokine storm needs is a drug that will moderate the e-selectin, mind you guys this e-selectin is present only in inflamed/infected epithelial cells of the blood vessels and nowhere else in your bloody. What this covid-19 cytokine storm needs is a drug, an agent, that can moderate the e-selectin and make it limit the call up of monocytes thereby preventing the over clustering of monocytes in the infected cells and thereby preventing the over production of cytokine chemicals by the white blood cells/ mococytes, thereby you prevent the cytokine storm, with that you help the infected person run the course of the covid infection and managely clear the covid-19 virus. And if you ask me what VXL has compared to AGN, take a look at their assets and see. No company will have an arsenal as similar as VXL. Get that pp done and bring in that patented item. Signal peptide plus that patented thing will solve cytokine storm.
bigbanktheory wrote: question, let's compare agn to vxl, and what both co's are doing, i know they are different, what is your take on where agn is trading today, and where vxl might trade at phase one, your comments would be nice, tyvm