RE:The Supreme Court is the Source of this Civil Unrest
“Run Spot run.”
~ Our first grade reader.
Diick, and Jane, and Spot.
[ It was OK for our first grade reader, but now Stockhouse will nor allow the name 'D-i-c-k'. What has our world cone to.]
Whom is the next character interjected into our reader?
It is our friendly policemen.
This brainwashing and propaganda is being programmed into the neurons of our five-year-old's innocent minds.
It is so deep, you cannot see the truth, but who really are your so-called ‘friendly’ policemen?
600K Americans die of Heart disease every year. [~2K per day]
600K Americans die of Cancer every year. [~2K per day]
150K Americans die of Lung disease every year. [ 500 per day]
Does this ever get a peep on the daily so-called news [propaganda] that you are pumped?
150K Americans die in Accidents every year. [500 per day]
[117K deaths due to the Hunan Virus - you are more likely to get run over by an automobile.]
Hands gun deaths, 1,500 per year.
Is it not interesting that 100 times more people are killed by Automobiles than by handguns?
Therefore, would it seem to be a 100 times more sensible to outlaw automobiles than handguns?
Let’s examine these 1,500 handgun deaths a year.
Exactly who is pulling the trigger here?
It turns out that in 50% of these handgun deaths, it was the police that pulled the trigger.
On the average, the police murder five Americans every day.
Why do you not hear about this?
All things, newscasters, radio commentators, the media, and school teachers, are all apologists for the status quo.
The status quo shall not be questioned.
When I was young, the 38-caliber revolver was the standard police side arm in America for more than 70 years [1920's-1990's].
When the 357-magnums came out, the City of Los Angeles outlawed them as a police weapon.
Nowadays, it is difficult to fined a officer of the state carrying a weapon a small as a 357-magnum.
Not only that, but the bullets they are using are designed to spread out to cause maximum damage.
According to the Geneva Convention, using this type of a bullet on an enemy would constitute a war crime.
But as long as it is an officer, of the so-called law, is using it to murder another American, it is OK.
Now you can shoot it into the back of another scared child trying to get away on his skateboard.
At worst, that officer will be rewarded with a temporary paid leave of absence - a free vacation.
The murder of Minneapolis will receive a generous pension regardless of what happens.
These thugs are psychopaths who are drawn to this occupation like moths to a porch light.
As time passes, the percentage of psychopaths in this occupation will approach 100%.
What can be done?
Today, many patriotic American citizens have taken to the streets to defund these thugs.
Even some congressmen have razed questions as to the Fed program to militarize police forces with armored vehicles and military tactics.
They ask, are the streets of America a war zone between the police and the American citizens?
What kind of nightmare is this?
To support the status quo is to have blood on your hands.
Viva la Revolucion!