RE:What needs to be donedkmabc wrote: Others may disagree but what needs to be done is someone get out of their office and start to promote things. If they are supposedly doing any negotiations right now then they need to get the share price up otherwise what kind of offer or joint partnership could we possibly get sitting at this price ? 5 times market price right now .95 cents, if we were at .75 cents with some promotion then even 3 times market would make a big difference. If they do not do something soon all of us who could have had a very rare payday
will be left with a company who basically gave everything away.
This is also true (in addition to NOPOO's comment as well). Share price needs to go way up. It should be sitting north of .80 cents for any negotiations to give talking room, unless these talks are simply derived around true value of the project and not at a premium to market/20 trading days. If this was a gold project, it would be 10x the current mkt cap.