RE:RE:New note from Malcolm Shawstanley wrote: Chreca1:
How does North's LSE selling impact the TSX, if any?
No impact on TXP itself, as the raises been oversubscribed anyway and they could have done them without those crazy Norsemen. But to the SP it has acted as a wet blanket on the SP for many months now though to what degree impossible to say. Positive is that everyone not already "all-in" has got their shares at a cheaper price then otherwise would have been the case.
Though I doubt North will sell out their whole position at this point as it is from what I can see the only bright spot in an otherwise lousy portfolio (North Energy ASA).
Let's see when they stop but I'm looking forward to see a report this week stating they shed themselves of a few more million shares (2.8M shares traded yesterday on the LSE).
As they sure ain't neither wanted nor needed in this stock/company, if you ask me.