RE:CRE Lithium Heavyweight Closes at 43 centsWhy is Critical Elements even mentioned in the same breath as Frontier. They have 0.85% lithium and we have 2.02% . They use $1500 per ton in their calcs for 6% technical grade concentrate and we use $1250 per ton for 7.2%. They use $750 per ton for 5% chemical grade and we use $750 per ton for 6.6%. Our deposit is 91% technical grade and their's is 21% . Our open pit cost per ton is around $4 and their's is around $16 . We only need 4.5 tons of ore to make a ton of concentrate and they need over 10 tons . And yet somehow we are still valued at less than half of Critical Elements . Marketing, marketing, marketing with brokers and financial institutions is my only plausible explanation !!! What am I missing ???