Video/Message from DD Hello, my name is Dominique Doucet, I am the founding president of Sirios Resources.
I'm speaking to you today because things are moving at Sirios, and it's very positive.
Significant progress is being made frequently, and so there are developments to come,
including our flagship Cheechoo project.
I'm proud of the entire exploration team who stayed on the job by teleworking.
The team has been busy compiling data and generating projects,
as well as the planning of future exploration campaigns.
It is all these efforts that allow me to announce today the gradual resumption of exploration work.
in the field in the next few weeks.
As you know, we completed our drilling program on the Cheechoo property last March.
Twenty-two holes were completed for a total of just over 5,000 metres.
Currently, assays are coming in slower than normal.
due to the constraints imposed by COVID-19.
Partial results to date suggest the possibility that
an increase in gold resources from the Cheechoo deposit to the west.
We are also making progress on metallurgical testing.
which are currently ongoing at KCA labs in Nevada.
These tests are very important because they will tell us the optimal methods for extracting gold.
This allows us to consider an initial preliminary economic study.
Regarding our high-grade Aquilon gold project,
I'm very pleased with the recent announcement of the resumption of drilling on this property.
In addition, we will be conducting a soil sampling survey on the property.
In closing, I invite you to follow us closely, since several important developments
will take place over the next few months.
Despite the current context, our teams are working hard to move forward with the projects.
and above all we continue with determination to take the necessary steps
to develop the economic potential of our Cheechoo project.