house of wong on AZM People let me introduce myself i have been with the help of my team a nose bleed speculative investor with a large following .My team and i ushered in VIRGINA GOLD VIA that was bought by goldcorp that went from 60 cent to 12.00 then SOI that went from 7 cent to $1.40 that play made me 950k personally and our team millions.Ironically the area players will out-perfom as with AZM it will go to $8.00 and be taken out nice ROI right bighitter but V..DOS will go from 0.07 to 0.15 as of today to $1.50 by fall off your coat tails.
I know i know it not fair but thats life bighitter ,i remember taking a SOI PP for 500k the stock went coil spring but EVR out performed SOI discovery it wet 1 cent to 15 cent ,lol.
If anyone has 200k min USA and want to trade with us we live and work in palmsplace condo in lasvegas where we can sell you a studio condo for 200k and with your 200k trading account we will work with you.