Just some thoughts on AscotThere is no way Ascot should be as low as it is, just have a look at the resto of the other plays out there in the GT, and none are even close to being in production. The reason Ascot is this low is due to manipulation and other games being played behind the scenes and large institution players know this.
One of the best ones was how IDM got taken out, but that’s a story for another time.
Its still gone be 18 months best case before this goes into production and a lot of games can be played between now and then. I have been watch this stock volume relatively closely over the last while and there has been several times were there is a huge spike in volume yet the share price moves 1%. I am sorry but if that does not indicated people moving around shares for there agenda I am not sure what does.
Granted I am sure when the insider decided to move this up they will, but seriously how long will that be, I am thinking once they are fully positioned and they still have a lot of time to do it.
Ascot has practically been late with every single dead line they have set for themselves over the past 2.5 years.
And if you want proof I am glad to send anyone who would like the older presentations that Ascot no longer keeps on there site, I always found it suspicious how companies remove this, as if they want you to really did to see they have fallen short.
I hope I am wrong but there is something wrong here…
One more fun fact, Ascot stock did not move at all in the little gold rally in the summer of July – Sep 2019, and look its not moving again… I wonder why But yet, in reality the story has only gotten better since then….what is going on manipulation or just the market has not priced it accordingly…I would buy this the first time around
I welcome any input to the contrary of my one… I really do..