SCADDING TOWNSHIP, CONCESSION IV, LOTS 5 AND 6 Kindle (1933, p. 43) has described the work that was done by Mid-Conti nental Goldfields Limited on patented claims S.16085, S.16087, S.16089, and S. 16092, in lots 5 and 6, concession IV, Scadding township.
This revealed a number of quartz-carbonate veins in the contact zone between the Gowganda formation and the intrusive gabbro. These veins lie in sheared zones that average 10 feet in width, and dip 50-60 degrees east.
According to Kindle, one vein that was followed for more than a mile is 14 feet wide in a pit at the north end of claim S. 16092. A vein in the southeast corner of claim S.16085 is reported to be 20 feet wide.
Native gold is reported to have been found in some of these veins.
Wonder if threse SCAD claims are on - BMK's land ?