End of First Half - 2020End of the First Half Report for 2020 for Illumina Inc.
ILMN closed on 06/30/2020 at US$ 370.35
ILMN closed on 12/31/2019 at US$ 331.74
This is a 11.6% gain, a US$ 38.61 gain, for the first half of 2020.
S&P 500 Index for first half of 2020.
Closed on 2020/06/30 @ 3100.2
Closed on 2019/12/31 @ 3230.7
This is a loss for the 1st Half of 4.0%, or 130.4
Its MA(200) ended the 1st Half @ 3021.6
Two Hundred Day Moving Average [MA(200)] stuff.
ILMN's MA(200) ended June at US$309.63
ILMN is now 19.6% above its MA(200).
Who is in charge?
Francis A. DeSouza, CEO