Finally Decided--I Will Give This Company Time To Get It'sshiate together. Despite everything i still see really good potential here. When i talked about selling ppe being months i don't mean it as more than about 3 months--the way i see it is this depending on when the testing for what is produced comes back let's say end of July going on the basis that if people can use bandanas and scarfs any company worth its grain should not have problems succeeding at this stage (so under the assumption/benefit of any doubt) there is indeed successful third party testing fully verified as meeting standards the company will then apply to be a licensed seller. Again because the need is huge and it will be even more in the fall winter there is no reason that the application will not be fast tracked they already are--so let's assume August sometimes--the latest i see this open for business on the ppe front is September. There should be no reason other than not testing successfully September should not be achieved--that's the latest.
Nevertheless, like i said i do expect the company to go back from the beginning meaning properly finish off the acquisition of Covid Tech so i will expect a proper closure to that stamped with a proper news release saying that has been approved by the Exchange/Regulators whoever without this note i will be suspicious of what is going on there--i don't recall seeing that the Exchange approved the restructuring of the shares i will have to go back and see if it did--my feeling is not because that was tied to the Covid acquisition--so there is no way the Exchange could have approved unless the two were separate--the restructuring and acquisition which is possible but again i will have to go back and look again.
As for any digester testing i will be suspicious of any company that is in a weak position is a start up like this and Covid Tech that is what i meant by a strong well established company--one i will consider legitimate companies are government companies, any publicly well capitalized company although that doesn't guarantee anything as we saw what happened with Aurora but the point being that this company is not in a position to make a acquisition merger offer because then i will think uh oh here we go again. So the company that i am looking to assess these are government that can't be bought out, or stronger publicly traded companies those who can buy shares here or take this over not someone on a weak and even playing field that will lead to problems.
I am giving this company a chance to prove itself and that means in the right way and one where i protect myself looking at where things are going.
Additionally, i will be looking at how the press releases are written in terms of qualifying what can be done and proving it on a scale up basis. I don't ever believe any company that is starting will be able to produce at maximum capacity without having test run first so the amount of ppe a day what was it 100,000 while sounds reasonable that still has to go without any hitches and they need to scale up. This is hard to track with the exception that there are contracts--even if something can produce that much unless they are sold in such quantities that is a moot point and you certainly won't mass produce something to have them sitting around.
Right now this is going to likely be a write off. Yeah the share value will take some sort of hit that is inevitable--how much is the question--it may drop to .10 it may be at .15 i don't know but in either case i will only be up slightly if less than .10 depending how far down i will be at losses oh well i wasn't in any rush to sell any of what i have unless they blew up i bought more in something that would do the same, however, they are all more or less at the same low level so there is nothing gained or lost to me in that sense. I have enough cbii shares to be happy with so to keep diverisification and not miss the potential here that is why i have decided this way.
I will not be as interested in what the share value does because this company will inevitably have to do a raise and i think it will happen soon--simply to keep business growing and going you just have to--2.5 million in assets i am taking in liquid dollars between Covid and MWM is not much--it was one thing if Covid Tech was self sustaining as the company made it sound when it wasn't doing anything to start with and then to say it can put all that 3 million plus into the digesters. Regardless a raise will likely happen and depending where this trades it will be lower than that by another 20 or so percent--so this may go back down to .04-.05 at some point again depending what the hit is on this current set of circumstances--a 50 percent hit which i would say is lower end fair for what we have or .15 or whatever i don't know and at this point i don't care it is a write off until this company starts to build a crebile and honest base which i am giving it this year to do.
If there are mistakes along the way all those will be taken into consideration--which there will be the least of what i am expecting should come from writing a proper news release i won't be happy if i see it done improperly--that will really annoy me--and if the company does it more than 3 times i will seriously think about dumping everything in the coming year--i am being patient only because like i said i am not throwing the baby out with the bath water and i see potential here--i still see excellent promise with the digesters BUT that will only be substantiated with the proper party testing not weak companies that can be bought out on this companies start up level but by stronger publicly traded companies or government ones--private companies only if really well established and capitalized--because i am looking for someone who sees value here as a potential acquisition that to me is the strongest testament to the tech!
Wel, that all being said, let's see where things go from here and if this company can put the past behind itself and start doing things properly--get its shiate together and finally put on its big boy pants take responsibility not simply see itself with a slap on the wrist got away with it and do the same damn thing--no--it's time to move forward and take those growing pain steps to do so--if the company shows improvement i will love to hold everything longer term for no less than .30-.40 but if not and they are not redeemable after having a look through this year well than i will take the best value in the coming one--so it has this year to at least get its shiate in order and impress me to my minimal level as to what i am looking for.
Again, the news is a real stalemate as far as i am concerned. If the company didn't have the tech to produce that would have been a bad dagger. A pause and step back yeah that is inconvenient but i know that they will be getting things out when they are open for business and at least the equipment that was needing to produce something had been acquired i wasn't sure if it was--i was saying it didn't seem like so i guess i was partly right they probably had to get it all the reason they were buying time but don't do that--just be honest because now you lost a lot of credibility and to get it back will not be easy with shareholders.
In any case, like i said not surprised not angry disappointed companies should be way better than this but the sad truth no matter which ones they all lie or hide things regardless at some point or the other and if i am following my trigger points stringently all this won't matter but if things halt well you have no choice. My buy in was .085 my desired minimum would be a double or .34 but this ran to .245 and i know off of runs things usually get hammered down 90 percent of the times i would have been smart to take my money on that run but didn't got the halt and now how much of a hit this will take is left to be seen starting Monday now given i am looking through this year as i said i am not as interested with share value as i am with progress which is meaning i expect there to be some sort of fall out and will hold for a recovery and my stated .30-.40 before striking (but only this year) next year no promises--if the company does well it goes up i will likely take a third of a position out--well means the .30-.40 and hold the other third--it does poorly but depending why--if it is honest with the news releases needs time to get things going i may just see this as a long term tuck and forget about--I don't know it all depends how this company conducts itself--But honestly, i only see it growing when it starts selling ppe and it will and providing that Covid Tech does get acquired because right now it still isn't they are "renting space" at the Delta location they may wish to be separate I don't know--you can't take anything as a given not until things are legally signed and properly verified through the regulators exchange etc.
It will be interesting to see where things will go that's for sure--i am at this point very cautiously optimistic because there are a lot of loose ends that need to be properly dealt with to get back to square one!!!