That shares for debt dealstruck me as a whole lot generous. I noticed today that they retracted it for now. I'm trying to figure out why these pot companies are throwing money around like drunken sailors and willing to pay usuary rates for short term capital needs. Getting rid of the bills outstanding is admirable and shares for debt is good too as long as it doesn't fall into the category of irrational premiums. Part of the problem is that banking isn't available in the US for marijuana stocks until such time as the Feds deschedule marijuana or write a banking deal that will trigger legal investment and normal banking tools for potpreneurs. Neutrisci has had a few carrots dangled in front of us lately in regards to getting our infused products on shelves in California and our deal with Japan but, while I feel we are getting close, the proof is in the pudding. I like what we are bringing to the table and I believe it has great possibility as a non-invasive form of ingestion that isn't smoking, so discrete and a bit of a treat in a nice tasting candy, also not a pill, which I hate taking. I get a gag reflex everytime I have to swallow my prescriptions. Blueberry goodness plus a little cannabinoid for what ails ya. glta and dyodd