RE:Gambling a losing companyCurious what Brand of Cat food do you eat?
Its all good ROTH .. Cheer up, just dont spend 24/hrs on here. You made your point. Everyone has 1
The whole ideal of being invested in any stock is too make money, right. Try it you might just like it. Stay away from that roulette table i learnt a hard lesson afew years ago in Bangkok.. Rothchildish wrote: If you listen to these pumpers youll make 1000% (or so they claim). Youd have more chance at roulette. The fact is, the company malinvested funds, keeps diluting, keeps raking in losses with no end in sight and has a problem with leadership and vision. Their biggest seller is their lowest cost product which makes zero profit (i guess its better than throwing their unsold in the trash where it belongs). People can already buy sets to make their own drinks, its also less expensive than buying overpriced junk from a partnership that has 2 failing companies (they really go hand in hand if you look at their share price, both sinking with no upward momentum. Im done replying to the parrots repeating over and over. The volume is so bad on this stock that I could move the share price multiple percentave points , but then id be stuck with worthless shares. If you want to listen to broke papies yapping all day be my guest, they gambled their retirement money and are now mad that they have to eat cat food to survive.