RE:HIV-2 vs cancerProbably HIV-2 was not a keyword in the algorithm, whereas cancer is.
SPCEO1 wrote: I thought it is worth noting the HIV-2 news will almost certainly lead to additional Trogarzo sales via off-label usage while the cancer news will take some time to develop, if it develops at all. Yet the stock market reaction to both pieces of info has been radically different. I know, the cancer knews did indicate a huge, huge potential source of revenue and earnings but it also is uncertain and a ways off. For HIV-2, there can be off label sales soon and the pathway to full approval would likely be rapid since it is the same formulation being used as in HIV-1. So, a much higher degree of certainty of success for HIV-2 and a more immediate impact on sales. In theory, the speculators/computer algos who ramped up the buying of TH shares to record levels, should be interested in today's news also.