Nat Gas/Renewables?Using Renewable energy maybe political correct, but it's more expensive and requires gov't
subsidies to remain competitive. Gas is plentiful, cheap and clean. This political corectness
has gone out of control. At a time of unbelievable deficits and astronomical debt levels, it makes
no sense to shun gas over renewables. The infrastructure is all in place to use and the industry
is developed and dedicated to deliver.
The fact that Dominion Gas has given up is not something to ignore. Its disturbing. On the other
hand, what is Warren Buffet seeing with his Bershire Hathaway purchase of those Dominion Gas
assets that Dominon is not seeing. Pipelines in N America have lost their appeal but its like
a railway. Once they're in place, they tend to stay there for a long time and still can be used for
transportation. That reality has value even though Renewables are the political correct choice of
today. I like using gas and will continue to use it and I suspect millions of others will as well.