What is the point of investing in oilIf you look at the acceleration of EV's throught the world recently, plus countries committing to EV percentages (Norway and others), wind farms, giga factories popping up, BP moving to more green energy solutions, electric powered aircraft, and large trucks, airlines heading for bankrupcy every day.... on and on, then the stumbling blocks of the pipelines locked in court or being threatened by indiginous communities.. really what is the point, CJ will never recover, it has become a trading machine for many not a long term stock to hold. The senior management is holding out as long as they can because of the big $ they are paid, it would be better to cash in and buy Lotto 6/39 or MAX, you will have better odds of increasing your investement. OPEC has no plan just greed.. For those out there that talk to buddies about what stocks you hold, what is the response when you say I hold oil... we need a real reckoning...