RE:The NMX Lithium Shareholders Group But, I thought most here are saying the 8 bidders still in contention are frantically trying to outbid each other to acquire this "can't miss" project! July 10th is the "put your money where your mouth is" point, so are there really still 8 bids out there? Alcide, again you're asking for a bail-out, predominantly from the Federal Gov't and as a non-Quebecer... I SAY NO!!! Have your own province pay for your failures (like Bombardier), not the rest of the country!
I would love to see an actual breakdown of the investor profile, from where are they and what is the extent of their investment? Saying they are mainly from Quebec... maybe, but how about the dollar amount?
As far as the "testimony" from a small Quebec saver... let's see, you hit senior citizen, disability. You should have gone for even more of the categories... female, indigenous, homeless, ptsd sufferer, etc. Without wanting to sound too crass, this person probably had a quarter of a million dollars to foolishly invest here because they were on welfare all their life and working under the table, which is a common trait in the province of Quebec! Stock market loss is possible whenever you invest, any and every investment adviser tells you that! And what about that saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? (If that happens to be the case here, if not, join the club... we all have losers!) It's your own fault for believing politicians, at 67, you should know better! After all, you still get the tax loss!
Alcide, you wait till there's 3 days left in this phase of the SISP. Would have been more meaningful to have a more aggressive campaign earlier... don't you think? Maybe the outcome here is already carved in stone?
The 10th of July approaches, let's see what happens!