Just Wondering Many of the "old timers" (shareholders for years) who were watching and waiting for the stock to give them a good return may have been behind at least some of the selling.
For several years, TUO tumbled and went down because of lack of activity and legal issues; so how can you blame those in it for bailing now that they've made several hundred percent on their money at long last.
Just imagine their wives screaming when the stock hit 2.50 USD: "Harry, sell the stock already!!!" "But, Dear, it's just starting to --" "Sell it!"
The situation is so different now; Teuton is a different company with genuine assets and two billionaires putting money into Treaty Creek exploration; with three drills spinning and Ken Konkin, an elite geologist on board; and most importanly, we are now highly visible to potential investors who recognize that today's price is probably a bargain, mostly thanks to Eric Sprott.
I don't know if my "analysis" is correct or if some long-term holders were actually bailing; all I say is it's possible because, as one of them, I have taken a few shares "off the table" myself. Personally, I look forward to great things for Teuton.
To quote Sueron: "I am not saying buy or sell."