Mennaval Gold project - Maisie veinlatest sedar filing from june 22nd.
"The California motherlode and other mesothermal vein systems are known to have great depth extent. The mineralogical and structural characteristics suggest
drilling to date has only scratched the top of the Maisie vein and there is a good probability that it will have significant depth extent. A deeprooted system is inherent to the formation of this type of deposit. The Company traced goldbearing quartz veins of the Maisie Zone over a strikelength of 700 metres and to a depth of 30 metres by trenching and drilling of 64 shallow holes in 2012. Individual core samples grade from 0.001 g/t gold over 0.62 m up to 104 g/t over 0.3 metres. The widest core interval graded
22.97 g/t gold over 1.90 m at a depth of 16.00 m.
The Company proposes a 1,200 m diamond drilling program designed to test the Maisie zone to a depth of 150 m. ....."
and the filings outlook, slam writes.
"The main focus is the road-accessible
Menneval gold project where the Company proposes a diamond drilling program that will potentially extend the Maisie zone to a depth of 150 m. Soil geochemistry and induced polarization surveys are also proposed...."