RE:RE:Tesamorelin used by "age-management community"? True.. I can see the trial of tesamorelin for improvement of cognition in aging HIV pts is still going on, if that's what you are referring to? that's interesting by the way.
So there could be some merit to the claim.
Meanwhile, it's my opinion people who recklessly play with their hormonal metabolism outside of any medical protocol, for some"well known" undemonstrated benefit are either certifiably nuts or haven't the faintest idea what they are doing.
Just the sight of those criminally attractive packages, with 3D silvery letters, that come complete with the nicely colourful brochure for how to inject yourself in various places with a potent medical drug make me extremely angry and wanting to punch someone in the face.
JayjayUSA12007 wrote:
It's well known that Egriffta has reverse aging and improve cognitive functionalities. At one point, there was even a small trial to test its effects on people with mild dementia which is the 1st symptome of Alzheimer's.