RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Somethings Gotta Give. copperplay wrote:
AyuFan wrote:
in this partnership , the JOA is the soul. The company can't make any move until JOA is signed. SNV's partner is not signing it (or whatever reason causing JOA not signed).. we are dead in water until any positive news can come out. Draw your own conclusion to see where this company is heading.
I sold all my shares now at 10c awhile ago.. my gut feeling is that the earliest... If lucky, JOA will be signed afterbfirst year operation.. the SNV will need to raise massive amount of money for 2nd year. That will be the most optimistic outlook.
Ayu could be bang on here
He could be somewhat bang on in terms of timing i agree, makes sense if you were the partner, dangle the carrot of expenses paid in first year than not do anything and not have to carry.
But SNV could (besides those already mentioned - warrants, LOC, cash flow) fund their portion by simply offering there additional 24% of another carry mechanism. So offer the 24% for $xx million (after the reserve report is out) and use this to fund their 25%!!!!