RE:I Think We’re Alone Now...How exactly do you know that any of these 2.0 products are going to be successful?
Pure speculation calling this company a family of companies when really it performs more like a group home. A revolving door of companies comign and going. Their protfolio hasn't been building, its just been changing while the promises pile up.
They will be lucky to do $50-$60 million in revenue in 2020 while other companies do that in one quarter. This company has no compeittive edge. There are other procesing facilities and will be more in the future. Larger LP's are ramping up their 2.0 strategy and will reduce Auxlys market share down to less than 5%.
This company has one thing and one thing only. The gift of gab and the reality is that everyone has seen this management team for what they really are.
I really hope you cut your losses CrystalGreen....but it's your loss if you invest in the BS.