GREY:NMKEF - Post by User
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TFSAfundson Jul 17, 2020 11:32pm
Post# 31284267
Should be interesting...
Should be interesting...with all the lip service (so to speak) paid to all the possible outcomes of the SISP/CCAA, it will be refreshing to get this over with once and for all! The extent of the speculation by everyone on this board has been incredible (and sometimes amusing), especially when it comes to the importance of this failing company to the future of the Province! With no announcement of an auction this week, does that mean NMX gets sold for scrap? Not good for shareholders! Or with the deadline for bids extended along with the closing date pushed back, was the auction starting date (Jul 14th) fluid because of the notification timelines required (3 days... etc.)? Did the Nemaska Facebook Group, Shareholders Group accomplish anything or just add another $100 to your loss column? I know that full page ad in my newspaper made me laugh!
My assumption is that whatever the outcome, it is best for all concerned! I just hope none of my tax dollars go into it. We'll all be paying off the Covid19 deficits for the next 25 years! Geez, that sounds a lot like the '76 Olympics debt, where we even had a surcharge on frickin' postage stamps to pay for it... lol.