I'm quite concerned about this concerted effort to keep honest hardworking Canadians at the mercy of the government. This will be an uphill battle, but it has to work! If BPY fails, I'm screwed! Haha Also, if trump loses, get ready for a real s**t fest... we will officially live in an entirely new world if Biden gets elected.
Definitely an uphill battle. People just need to wash more, and stop hugging hello. Basically everything should run the same except no parties. The funniest is people see nothing wrong with protesting, but are not allowed to go to work because that is more dangerous. Going out after 9 pm somehow increases the odds of contracting covid. And the list goes on and on. They need to open back up and let nature take its course, but use precaution.
What people are not talking about is the drastic rise bpy.un would have once a vaccine is made. That is more of a likelihood than bpy.un going BP. I personally am adding on every drop. Collecting 12-13% to wait this out sounds pretty darn good. GLTA