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Blackrock Silver Corp V.BRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  BKRRF

Blackrock Silver Corp. is a Canada-based junior precious metal focused exploration and development company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of gold and silver projects in Nevada, United States (US). The Company has interests in the Silver Cloud property situated in Elko County, Nevada (the Silver Cloud Project), and the Tonopah West property located in Esmeralda and Nye Counties, Nevada (the Tonopah West Project). With the Silver Cloud Project and the Tonopah West Project, the Company has strategic interests in two prolific low-sulphidation epithermal districts in Nevada. With a presence on both the Walker Lane and the Northern Nevada Rift, these two strategic projects provide the Company with a significant position on two established gold and silver belts in Nevada. Its Silver Cloud Project has multiple targets covering a 45-square kilometer area. The Company's subsidiary is Blackrock Gold Corp.

TSXV:BRC - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by opsd1on Jul 21, 2020 1:32pm
Post# 31297253

Even after this morning's spike, gold and silver are still

Even after this morning's spike, gold and silver are still climbing higher.

And lots of silver here!
Bullboard Posts