Highlights of the Interview with PMED's COO Rahul Kushwah https://youtu.be/eSgvAPX4gEI
I'm paraphrasing for speed but below are some highlights.
0:00 - 12:00 Rahul talks about PMED's technologies and what they do. Rahul talks monetization FINALLY at 12:45. We can now extrapolate based on size of companies they might be selling to times number of these companies to speculate on potential revenue in a given year. Pricing is Divided into Tiers. Tier 1 a few thousands scans a month. Tier 2, 10-20,000 scans per month etc. It works out to a few cents per scan. At 14:58... Some fantastic growth from our end as far as deployment and revenue are concerned. We have several deployments with advanced sales pipelines including Government entities and A LOT OF FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES. At 16:13 Taurus Medical and PMED working with the Government Health Authority in the UK to take the technology to healthcare then on to retail, shopping centres and so on. At 16:42 Tech Mahindra is selling PMED's suite of Impairment and Covid19 technologies to Fortune 500 companies all over the world. At 19:00 Their Advisor, Kapil Raval of Microsoft is helping them get sales with Governments at a global level and also with Mr. Prabhakar Srivastava in Africa and Asia with National Government levels deployment. At 19:30, if you scan red you need to have a solution for what you are going to do with that person and that's where telehealth platform comes in. It also monitors patients remotely which works well in retirement homes. At 25:00 For Mental health screening, they eliminate subjectivity with their technology in this $350 Billion industry, where they can detect the early signs of the problem. At 25:51 Rahul talks about leveraging their partnerships with 14 MAX hospitals but also 7 MGM hospitals where they have seen millions of patients and has allowed PMED to make their algorithms better by the day. At 26:41 Their telehealth platform has been tested and piloted in several hospitals across the US and Canada as well as Piloted at a hospital in New York. At 28:00 We can scale our technologies at a much quicker pace than anyone else because of the partnerships we have in place. At 30:00 Within 2-3 years, we want to be a global leader in Health and Safety's $300 billion industry. At 31:00 Within 6-9 months you will be seeing a lot of news on deployment and sales contracts mainly pertaining to our Covid-19 screening as well as Impairment technology contracts. Telehealth is being worked on and will be seeing contracts through that as well. At 33:00 Top 3 reasons to invest in PMED 1. $300 Billion Market Opportunity 2. Their technologies are already developed. 3. We are in Sales Mode now! We are launching and commercializing our technologies as we speak. "In other words there is going to be a huge growth phase that investors are going to be seeing and that is why perhaps NOW would be a good time to get in."