OTCPK:SPLID - Post by User
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geodcanon Jul 26, 2020 6:19pm
Post# 31321464
Chimney blocks and chain
Chimney blocks and chainwill ensure that they stay there! It is tough to get rid of parasites. If you are wondering if they are still there, they are, I'm sure because they are using the same old strategy. New pop-up companies made out of bits and bytes and not much more with a fancy narrative suggestive of doing great things but not real. The latest shroom and peyote endeavour is in the same category as all of the other products and deals that are questionable or non-existant. No reply from EAT or CSE although I did come across a blurb about another company that took about 6 months before they got suspended for non-filing. I do believe you have to do some paperwork to get that immunity idol and it is not just a free-homework day. If these guys can't do the basics to keep a company alive, it makes you wonder how they can build a successful company. This is little different than when Posner was chasing butterflies, burning through cash on whimsical efforts, all the time building and layering in new companies that it seems are just as viable as this one. One good idea from conception fumbled at every turn.