Joined for This Post Dear Dumb Dumbs,
I can't even believe some of the nonsense I've read on this rag. The quality of comments here is a more comparable to a Facebook thread from OAN than anyone who actually has a clue in hell what micro cap investing is about.
Some of you are the biggest cry babies I have ever seen. You don't want to get burned the stay the f#ck out of microcaps and go invest in an ETF.
For haters of RWB because you got burned by the RTO. Get over it. It's happened, either sell or STFU.
And for all of you who think two day movements represent anything but daytrading noise, consider reading an economics book.
Lastly, to the pathetic shorts out there who think you are Bobby Axelrod - well all I have to say to you is LOLOLOL. You are trying to spread misinformation via stock house?! Lol, get a life.
/shark out