Consolidation issues are stock price negativeI hope the management of Excellon are not stupid enough to do a roll back after all the new shares they have been issueing. If a stock is strong and company well managed the share price will reflect this fact and their is no need to do the roll back in shares. The stupid reason of trying to list on a US exchange does not justify shareholders being slammed once again. Many here have not seen any profits as of yet if they have owned the shares since 2017. So given the current share price the company should be profitable at the current silver mine if not than questions need to be asked why is the current management being supported. Also they have recently purchased the gold property and I have not seen any news on that. They are currently drilling in Germany and they had currently raised additional capital. They have had enough opportunity to prove themselves if they are worth their salt. If not than they should be swiftly replaced because as a long term shareholder I have not seen any profits for holding on to these shares as of yet and a roll back would tick me off big time. In 40 yrs of trading every roll back has been stock negative and not a positive. So email management and state your opinion on this issue and say NO!!!