RE:RE:There's no way in a million light yearsWell if you've been invested in Pyr since 2017 that means you're sitting on some hefty gains. Sounds like you're not convinced of the Pyrogenesis story. If that's the case just claim your profits and take them elsewhere. No one is forcing you to stay here. If you do decide to stay, though, you won't be disappointed with the next few years and then some.
Hi Uncleron
I have been invested in PYRO since the days of Arcam. I have always thought of you as someone to not take too seriously. Your attempting to link an investment in Pyro with what is happening in Portland is really sad at best. I know you like to congratulate yourself on your predictions about Pyro. The simple fact is that the reason PYRO has done so well lately has been iron ore. You have been pumping PYRO...well.. forever. Humor me. Please share wilth the board the first time you even mentioned iron ore in your posts about why Pyro will take off.
What you have been talkilng, talking, talkilng abvout....,
Drosite. - One big deal. All good stuff but we have not heard anything else. What happened to those two companies that purchsed systems that Peter said would be buying a bunch more. No news.
Powder: One Deal with a big company to sell powder. I guess Pryro powder was not good enough to sell on its own despite what Peter has said about superior qualitiies and low cost. Arcam had 8 reactors when it was acquired by GE and was building more when purchased by GE. Pryo still only has 2 reactors. Not heard anything about powder sales outside the one agreement.. So much for damand for superior low cost PYRO powders.
Destruction of Hazardous Waste with the military":. No News despite "milliions" being spent by the gov. to research this tech.
Dealing with waste generally. Nothing to reports despite fact that China has refused to accept all of our waste.
I have owned Pryo since Jan1 2017 and it is may largest holding by a factor or 3X. So spare me with the basher comments. It is old and really really boring.
Fact of the matter. Whoever owns Pyro. . It is 80% luck and 20% good investing to be holding PYRO stock at this time. If you think otherwise...If you think posters like Uncleron had that much insight.... then good luck.
For all you conspiracy investors; Don't bother to check on when i first posted. You will see I posted about Pryio on this board a long time ago. No interest in sharing my vierws on this board.