ReflectionIf islander835 is any reflection of the selling that has taken place, and I have no reason to
believe it isn't, it is probably a good thing to have had this cleansing. I do acknowledge that
of all the sellers,, it was very open and honest of him to come forward. He gave his reasons
and took responsibility for his losses.
If there is anything that can be gained from his post, I would say that because of the delays
and the subsequent doubts raise, there was some damage caused to VSR's credibility. That
however is very separate issue from the credibility of Nelligan. The other thing is each investors
tolerance for manipulation and drama.
VSR is a drill play and is involved in the discovery and exploration of a gold deposit. Because of
the nature of exploration plays, and the possibility of this being very large, there is going to be
some highs and lows. Drama and excitement is what its all about and the value is in the drill bit.
There is potentially a lot at stake and therefore one must be prepared to expect a lot of strategic
game playing by the participants before any deal is reached. Its the end game that keeps me in
and this is just a blip on the way. It doesn't hurt to have someone like PG in our corner, and if it
adds a bit to the drama, so be it.