RE:SPA is a good play should be $310% never a bad day! AMK so far so nice, we head into August and with the 11 year charts are way up for the monthe of July. Buying pressure at higher prices have continued upward with a lot of continueing price support, that looks to be how AMK will track right thru till the end of August. That based on the powerful buying pressure and that 2020 has propelled above the 11 years chart or should say has SLAUGHTERED the 11 year Chart History,,, of what is now OLDE news for AMK. My support figure is 87.6% strength for AMK to stay under continual accumulation for the month of August,, of course AMK for now is a ONE trick PONY,, but from the drill cores it is a justfiable pps at the rate of a 20% credit to AMK in the TUDOR GOLD Joint Venture and as long as the drill cores keep reporting more and more higher assays, AMK will keep on enjoying the FREE RIDE!