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Neo Lithium Corp V.NLC

Primary Symbol: NTTHF

Neo Lithium Corp is engaged in the business of exploration operations. Its principal business activities are the exploration and development of resource properties. Its project includes the 3Q project. It operates its business in the countries like Canada and Argentina, however, most of the revenue is generated from Canada.

OTCQX:NTTHF - Post by User

Comment by RuudinFranceon Aug 01, 2020 11:51am
Post# 31353750

RE:RE:RE:Quiet Board

RE:RE:RE:Quiet Board
Greektome wrote: Hey Gamood, our saint also stated a few years ago he sold all at 1.30, he can't make up his mind or remember all the lies he's told. Typical religious hypocrite. I'll pray for his lying soul tonight.

Some time ago, about 55 years, I learned that people who did not embrace Jesus would go to hell!
The unfairness of this statement, towards very large numbers of people was one of the reasons to start me doubting all the good things that I'd learned about God, Jesus and the Invisible Guy.
So I asked the priest if Dajaks, who had never heard of the Trinity, would go to hell too.
This got me slapped about the head, which subsequently set me thinking.
Thinking, of course, is not an activity which is much appreciated by the fundamentalist die-hard leaders of the faith.
Troy, as we know, is of the believing- and not of the thinking kind. I could not consider him as an example of Homo Sapiens (wise/thinking man).
This could well mean that Troy does not understand the following clever latin words: "HOMO SAPIENS NON URINAT IN VENTUM", as he is continuously practising this activity and people always want to stand upwind from him.

Troy believes the litteral truth lies in the four selected (Catholic choice) bible books.
Come on Troy, read where your bible comes from.
Irenaeus, was a beauty you'll just have to appreciate.
Let me hear what you think Troy and don't tell me that I'll go to hell, I'm already aware of that, thank you.

As a bonus for all funloving hellgoers: Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum.

Have fun

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