Stockhouse InsanityWe all know the old adage about doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different result. Checking Stockhouse bullboards is no different, there may be an occasional soundbite worth some value but 90% of the content is rubbish and mostly loud soap box rants detesting management because they haven't turned their small investment into a 10 bagger in 4 weeks! It's not personal, it's more than likely an outlet that represents their entire investment experiince and the regret of having lost most of their money chasing wild cards like this, I mean if we're all honest we know that B&H doesn't rely on Stockhouse bullboards for sound investment advice. So there it is, the few of us here for the past 10 years just sit quietly waiting for something similar to what's happening now like the gold run and hope our little investment will benefit. To rant inscessantly about a CEO not getting the stock price higher so someone can flip a stock for a quick buck is just white noise on here. Truth is that the Market cap is far higher than it's ever been but due to the increases of shares out over the past 10 years we haven't been able to capture the benefit. Not saying it won't happen eventually but if you're hoping for an irrational market to over price this company so you can profit you might be waiting for awhile, say like 10 years..... So anyway I guess I'm just gonna continue to hang around and leave money do what it does best, just sit here and be in the game....GLTA....